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Current Affiliations
Founder and President Emerita, Political Research Associates, Somerville, MA
Political Research Associates is an independent, nonprofit research center that exposes and challenges the Right and larger oppressive movements, institutions, and forces. PRA produces accurate applied research and useful analytic tools to inform and support progressive activism that promotes equality and justice.
Visit Political Research Associates website.
Senior Scholar, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College
For more than 30 years, the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) has been a driving force, both behind the scenes and in the spotlight, promoting positive change for women and girls. The world's largest women's research center, WCW is the powerful alliance of the Center for Research on Women and the Stone Center at Wellesley College.
Visit the Wellesley Centers for Women website.
Biography Timeline
2010 |
- | present |
Boston Busing/Desegregation Project, Union of Minority Neighborhoods |
2010 |
- | present |
Member, National Advisory Committee, FOCAL, Federation of Children Centers of Alabama, Inc. |
2006 |
- | present |
Member, Gulf Coast Commission on Reconstruction Equity, sponsored by Interfaith Worker Justice and Good Jobs First |
2001 |
- | 2007 |
Member, Board of Directors, Highlander Research and
Education Center,
New Market, Tennessee |
2000 |
- | 2005 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Center for
Community Change,
Washington, D.C. |
1989 |
- | 2013 |
Founding Member, Women's Community Cancer
Project, Cambridge/Boston, MA |
1995 |
- | 2007 |
Education Consultant, Ms. Foundation Democracy
Funding Circle, New York City |
1981 |
- | 2004 |
President, Political Research Associates Somerville,
Director of an independent research center that
monitors anti democratic and authoritarian trends and
movements. PRA maintains a library of primary and secondary material,
publishes, books, monographs and reports, works with the media,
and provides speakers for small and large groups. |
1981 |
- | 2004 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Political
Research Associates, Cambridge, MA |
1997 |
- | 2000 |
Member of the Board of Directors, The Sister Fund, NYC |
1993 |
- | 1999 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Center for
Women Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. |
1994 |
- | 1997 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Community Works,
Boston, MA. |
1991 |
- | 1997 |
Founding Member of the Board of Directors,
Institute for Affirmative Action, Boston, MA |
1994 |
- | 1996 |
Visiting Research Scholar, Wellesley Center for
on Women, Wellesley, MA. |
1992 |
- | 1996 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Grassroots
International, Somerville, MA |
1985 |
- | 1995 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Center for
Democratic Renewal, Atlanta, GA. |
1988 |
- | 1994 |
Member of the Board of Directors, American Civil
Liberties Union of Massachusetts. |
1992 |
- | 1993 |
Member of Advisory Board, Reclaiming
Diversity Project, Council for Research on
Women, New York, NY |
1985 |
- | 1987 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Illinois
Justice Foundation, Chicago, IL. IJF is a Chicago
organization that funds local community organizations. |
1984 |
- | 1987 |
Member of the Board of Directors, Ms.
Foundation for Women, New York, NY. MFW is a
national foundation that funds grassroots
women's organizations. |
1980 |
- | 1987 |
Founding Member of the Board of Directors,
The Crossroads Fund, Chicago, IL. President,
1985 1987. |
1980 |
- | 1981 |
Consultant, Reproductive Rights Project of the
Roger Baldwin Foundation, American Civil Liberties
Union, Chicago, IL. Researched and wrote A
Speaker's Manual on Abortion. The handbook is
in its second edition and is available on
request. |
1979 |
- | 1980 |
Assistant Professor, Lake Forest College,
Lake Forest, IL |
1978 |
- | 1980 |
Founding Member of the Board of Directors,
Chicago Abused Women Coalition, Chicago, IL. |
1977 |
- | 1979 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL |
1976 |
- | 1977 |
Assistant Professor, Colgate University,
Hamilton, NY |
1971 |
- | 1976 |
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Ph.D., Political Science |
1970 |
- | 1971 |
University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
M.A., Political Science |
1963 |
- | 1967 |
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
Copyright © 2015 Jean Hardisty |