Jean Hardisty authored many published essays on the inner workings and motivations of the right. Her book, Mobilizing Resentment: Conservative Resurgence from the John Birch Society to the Promise Keepers, was published by Beacon Press in October 1999 and is now available in paperback.
Mobilizing Resentment: Conservative Resurgence from the John Birch Society to the Promise Keepers |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Beacon Press, October, 1999.
Beacon Press, Paperback edition, September, 2000.
Quotes in praise of Mobilizing Resentment
"Mobilizing Resentment is a thoughtful and provocative look at the right wing in the United States, replacing simple condemnation with sober analysis. It raises the troubling question: what can we learn from people we fear?"
-Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States
"Jean Hardisty's Mobilizing Resentment takes readers on a personal, historical, and well-researched tour through the parallel universe of right-wing America. By exposing the power of its deep resentment of democracy, she also shows us how to confront and diminish that power. If you have time for only one book about the untra-conservative resurgence, this is it."
-Gloria Steinem
"Mobilizing Resentment provides a wealth of information for anyone interested in how to refocus the energy and idealism of the progressive movement on the building of institutions that are relevant to the lives of most Americans. In this step-by-step description of the growth of the right, Jean Hardisty's gift is to remind us that there is no easy way to revitalize a progressive movement in this country. It has to be done person by person, family by family, and community by community."
-Chief Wilma Mankiller, from the Foreword
"Mobilizing Resentment is a fascinating and frightening portrayal of the right wing's ride to dominance during the last decades of the twentieth century. Hardisty's first-person reporting, clear analysis, and deep commitment to challenging the right's repressive agenda makes this a uniquely valuable resource for the twenty-first."
-Barbara Smith, author of The Truth that Never Hurts: Writings on Race, Gender, and Freedom
Articles, Chapters, and Reports
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Race and Child Care in Mississippi |
By Jean Hardisty |
October, 2013
Celebrating Women's Equality Day |
By Jean Hardisty |
August, 2013
Q&A with Jean Hardisty, Ph.D.: Women's Lives and U.S. Public Policy- Where We Are Now |
Interview by Susan Lowry Rardin |
Fall/Winter, 2012
"Exporting Right-Wing Christianity" |
By Jean Hardisty and Chip Berlet |
Unpublished essay, December, 2011
"Holding the Center: To build on the gains of Obama’s presidency, progressive activists must focus on recruitment" |
By Jean Hardisty and Deepak Bhargava |
The Nation, July 19/26, 2010, vol. 291, numbers 3 & 4.
"How Women Can Succeed: An Alternative View" |
by Jean Hardisty |
Wellesley Research & Action Report, Spring/Summer, 2010, vol. 31, no. 2.
"Marriage as a Cure for Poverty? Social Science Through a 'Family Values' Lens" |
by Jean Hardisty |
A Report co-published by Political Research Associates and the Women of Color Resource Center, March, 2008.
"Pushed to the Altar: The Right Wing Roots of Marriage Promotion" |
by Jean Hardisty |
A Report co-published by Political Research Associates and the Women of Color Resource Center, 2008.
"Promoting Marriage to Cure Poverty" |
by Jean Hardisty |
Peacework, Spring, 2007.
"Books Matter" |
by Jean Hardisty |
The Women's Review of Books, May/June, 2006.
"Why the South?" |
by Jean Hardisty |
Fair Play, newsletter of United for a Fair Economy, Spring, 2006.
"Marriage as a Bogus Cure for Poverty: Keeping low-income women safe is in our hands" |
by Jean Hardisty |
Research and Action Report, Fall/Winter, 2005.
"Wrong About the Right" |
by Jean Hardisty & Deepak Bhargava |
The Nation, November 7, 2005.
"Crime and Political Ideology" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
The Public Eye, Winter, 2004.
"Policing Civil Society: NGO Watch" |
by Jean V. Hardisty and Elizabeth Furdon |
The Public Eye, Spring, 2004.
"Challenging Marriage as a Cure for Poverty" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Response, (United Methodist Women), April, 2003.
"Drifting Right and Going Wrong" |
by Chip Berlet and Jean V. Hardisty |
National Council of Jewish Women Journal, vol. 25, no. 3., Winter, 2002.
"The Right's Campaign Against Welfare" |
by Jean V. Hardisty and Lucy A. Williams |
From Poverty to Punishment: How Welfare Reform Punishes the Poor, Applied Research Center, Gary Delgado, ed., 2002.
"Mapping the Progressive Movement" |
by Jean V. Hardisty and Ana Perea |
A Report from Political Research Associates, December, 2001.
"Rights for Some: The Erosion of U.S. Democracy" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A Report from Political Research Associates, 2001.
"Affirming Racial Inequality" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
The Public Eye, Winter, 1999.
"Kitchen Table Backlash: The Anti-Feminist Women's Movement" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Unravelling the Right, Westview Press, Amy Ansell, ed., 1998.
"Cancer and Poverty: Double Jeopardy for Women" |
by Jean V. Hardisty and Ellen Leopold |
Sojourner: The Women's Forum, Dec., 1992.
Confronting Cancer, Constructing Change, Midge Stocker (ed.), 1993.
Myths of Powerlessness, M. Brinton Lykes and Ramsay Liem, eds., Revised version, 1996.
"Marketing Homophobia" |
by Jean V. Hardisty and Amy Gluckman |
Homo Economics: Capitalism, Community, and Lesbian and Gay Life in the United States, Betsy Reed and Amy Gluckman (eds.), 1997.
"What Now? Strategic Thinking About the Progressive Movement and the Right" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
The Public Eye, Spring, 1997.
"My On-Again, Off-Again Romance With Liberalism" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Brown Paper Series, April, 1996.
"The Resurgent Right: Why Now?" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
The Public Eye, Fall/Winter, 1995.
Liberal Religious Education, no. 17, "A Liberal Religious Response to the Radical Right", Excerpted, Fall/Winter, 1996-97.
"Constructing Homophobia: Colorado's Right-wing Attack on Homosexuals" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
The Public Eye, March, 1993.
Eyes Right!, Chip Berlet (ed.), Revised version, 1995.
"The Invasion of Massachusetts: A Case Study of Stealth Politics" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Resist Newsletter, May/June, 1994.
"The Antigay Agenda" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Open Hands, Fall, 1993.
"Kitchen Table Anti-Communism: Conservative Women in the USA" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Das Argument, vol. 171, 1988.
"ACLU Speakers Manual on Abortion" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Reproductive Rights Project, 1981, reprinted 1982.
Book Reviews
"The New Jim Crow for Women" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Beth Richie, Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation. |
The Women's Review of Books, Fall/Winter, 2013.
"Review of Steep: The Precipitous Rise of the Tea Party" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Steep: The Precipitous Rise of the Tea Party. Edited by Lawrence Rosenthal and Christine Trost. |
Times Higher Education, November 2012.
Times Higher Education, November 2012.
"The Limits of Loyalty" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Tanya Melich, The Republican War Against Women. |
The Women's Review of Books, April, 1996.
"Writer/Activist Mab Segrest Confronts Racism" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
An interview with Mab Segrest and review of her book Memoir of a Race Traitor. |
Sojourner: The Women's Forum, August, 1994.
"Confessions of a Religious Defender" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Stephen Carter, The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion. |
The Public Eye, December, 1993. |
The Body Politic, February, 1994. |
"Overcoming Violence: Pride Becomes A Movement" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Margaret Cruikshank, The Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement, Gary Comstock, Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men, and Ruthann Robson, Lesbian (Out)law: Survival Under the Rule of Law. |
The Public Eye, March, 1993.
"Environmental Justice: Grassroots Constituencies Criticize the Movement" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Robert Bullard (ed.), Confronting Environmental Racism, Richard Hofrichter (ed.) Toxic Struggles, and Joni Seager, Earth Follies. |
The Public Eye, June, 1993.
"Rightward-Bound Currents" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of David Bennett, The Party of Fear, and David Hoeveler, Watch On The Right. |
Foundation News, July/August, 1992.
"Women's Cancer Movement Finds Its Voice" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
A review of Judith Brady (ed.), One In Three; Women with Cancer Confront an Epidemic and Midge Stocker (ed.), Cancer as a Women's Issue. |
Sojourner: The Women's Forum, March, 1992.
"Review of David H. Bennett, The Party of Fear: From Nativist Movements to the New Right in American History" |
by Jean V. Hardisty |
Radical America, vol. 23, nos. 2 and 3, 1990.
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