Q&A with Jean Hardisty, Ph.D.: Women's Lives and U.S. Public Policy- Where We Are Now
Article originally published at Wellesley Centers for Women
Interview by Susan Lowry Rardin
"This is a fateful time for the United States. Two distinct visions for the country were pitted against each other in the recent elections. Clearly, women's rights are still in question; civil rights are seen by some as irrelevant; and the federal budget deficit looms without a consensus as to its importance or how to fix it.
Public policy decisions, which often seem about war and the budget, are, in fact, always about women as well. Though we must focus on "women's issues," we must not lose sight of the importance for women of economic and military issues, Supreme Court and other judicial court appointments, and even environmental policies. As the Wellesley Centers for Women motto goes: "A world that is good for women is good for everyone." - Jean Hardisty, Ph.D.
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